

Gigi is an excitable Toon who is always looking for the next fun adventure. As Gigi explores many places she often finds herself collecting fun items and souvenirs! Though she may not be one for sharing.


Rare Toon




Female (She/Her)

3 Hearts Released: 09/28/2024

Skill Check

Chance: 25%

Size: 250

Value: 3.0

Movement Speed

Walk Speed: 15

Sprint Speed: 25


Value: 100


Value: 10.0




This Toon can grant herself a random item from any Tier (Dandy's Shop items included). Has a Cooldown of 80.



Gigi is an excitable Toon who is always looking for the next fun adventure. As Gigi explores many places she often finds herself collecting fun items and souvenirs! Though she may not be one for sharing.


Gigi the Gachapon, also referred to as Gigi, is one of the 27 playable Toons in Dandy's World. She was introduced on September 28th, 2024. She is available to be bought in Dandy's Store.


Gigi is a red gachapon machine with a transparent dome head that contains colorful capsules. She has white arms and legs with red feet. Her body is primarily red with white accents. During Blackouts, the transparent dome on her head allows for slightly better visibility compared to other Toons, though it's somewhat foggy.


Gigi is an excitable and adventurous Toon who loves collecting items and souvenirs. She's known for being somewhat of a hoarder and possibly even a thief, as she tends to collect random things she finds and is reluctant to share them. Despite this, she's loyal to her friends and enjoys spending time with them. She has a playful and sometimes mischievous personality, often playing pranks or jokes on other Toons.


Gigi is an excellent Extractor with her 5-star Skill Check stat, making her extremely effective at completing machines. Her ability to generate random items can be a game-changer, potentially providing crucial tools when needed most. However, her extremely low Stamina (1 star) is her biggest weakness, making her vulnerable during chases.

When playing as Gigi, focus on completing machines quickly and using your ability strategically. The random nature of Surprise! means you might get anything from a common item to a rare one, so use it when you have space in your inventory. Try to stay away from Twisteds as much as possible due to your low stamina.

For Trinket combinations, consider using Pink Bow to help with her low stamina, or Magnifying Glass paired with Participation Award to capitalize on her high Skill Check stat. Friendship Bracelet can also be useful when playing with a full team to help with her stamina issues. Ghost Snakes In A Can or Sweet Charm can reduce the cooldown of her ability, making it more reliable.


Unlock Requirements

  • 2000 Ichor
  • 50% Research on Twisted Gigi
  • Pick up 45 Rare or higher tier Items

Mastery Requirements

  • Use this Toon's Active Ability 50 times!
  • Pick up 50 Items!
  • Survive 40 Floors!
  • Travel 70000 Meters!
  • Use 50 Items!
  • Finish 40 Machines!
Mastery Reward:

Vintage Gigi skin


Finishing extraction

  • "Another one for my collection!"
  • "Oh yes, it's all coming together!"
  • "Mine, mine, all mine!"
  • "Ooo, shiny!"

Descending to the next floor

  • "I wonder what treasures await!"
  • "More stuff to collect!"
  • "I hope there's something good down there!"
  • "Can't wait to find more goodies!"

Activating Surprise! Ability

  • "Let's see what we get!"
  • "Surprise time!"
  • "What's inside today?"
  • "Gimme something good!"

Interaction with Boxten

Hey Gigi, what's in your head?

Capsules, duh! Want one?

Uh, no thanks. I'm good.

Your loss! More for me!

Interaction with Connie

Gigi, I saw you take that item earlier.

Nope, I don't fall for that haha.

Psh, alright.

Interaction with Cosmo

Hey Gigi, what's that on the ceiling?

Huh? Where?

It says gullible on the ceiling.

Oh really? Let me see... Hey! There's nothing there!

Hehe, gotcha!

Interaction with Flutter

Flutter! I wrote in your diary again!


Don't worry, I only wrote good things! Promise!


We're still besties, right?

Interaction with Poppy

Gigi, have you seen my spare bow?

Nope! Haven't seen it!

Are you sure? I could've sworn I left it right here...

Maybe check your room again? Totally not in my collection or anything!


Interaction with Shelly

Gigi, I need that back.

Need what back?

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Finders keepers, Shelly!

That's not how it works when you take it from my room!

Interaction with Tisha

Tisha, when are we hanging out at my place again?

Never again Gigi...

Huh. Why is that again?

I told you not until you clean up that room a bit, it's a mess in there!

NEVER!!! I'll never get rid of all my cool stuff!!

Interaction with Vee

Gigi, you're not planning to keep all the items to yourself right?


Gigi... don't just take everything for yourself.

Ooo... no promises!


  • Gigi's designation could be either R-001 or R-003, since Glisten's, Scraps' and Goob's designations are R-002, R-004, and R-005 respectively, with the R most likely standing for Rare.
  • Gigi is the fourth non-Main Character Toon to have 5 stars on a stat, the first being Scraps, the second being Razzle & Dazzle, the third being Glisten, and the fifth being Connie.
  • Prior to v0.4.1, Gigi had 1 star Movement Speed and 3 stars Stamina, but soon it got swapped to 3 stars Movement Speed and 1 star Stamina due to complaints about her gameplay.
  • Gigi is the first and so far only Toon to be added by herself.
  • Gigi is also the first Toon to be teased outside of the game, unless you count Dandy himself, who was shown on an arcade machine in Flavor Frenzy (another game by BlushCrunch Studio) before Dandy's World's release.
  • Gigi's 'Oh yes, it's all coming together' line could possibly be a reference to Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove, as Kronk says the exact same line in the movie.
  • When Gigi tells Cosmo and Sprout 'It says gullible on the ceiling', that could possibly be a reference to Asdfmovie, an online webtoon series.
  • Gigi is the second Toon whose head can open up, with the first being Boxten.
  • Gigi seems to be a hoarder and/or a collector, as shown in her dialogues with herself, Poppy, Shelly, Tisha, and Vee.
  • Gigi seems to be good friends with Flutter, Poppy, and Connie.
  • Gigi knows what is in Flutter's Diary since Gigi is the one who writes in it for Flutter, since Flutter does not have arms.
  • Gigi and Toodles share the same ability sound, which originates from the Banana Peel Gear.
  • Gigi is the second Toon to have a transparent part on their head, with the first being Rodger.
  • Similar to Brightney, Gigi doesn't wear shoes, as the lighter color is actually the soles of her feet.
  • Gigi shares almost the same stats with Shelly, but Shelly has 1 extra star on Stamina.
  • Gigi is one of the few Toons whose ability ends with an exclamation mark; some other Toons who also have an exclamation mark in their ability's name include Ginger, Goob, Pebble, and Tisha.
Gigi Gallery Image
Gigi Gallery Image
Gigi Gallery Image
Gigi Gallery Image