

The star of the show. Dandy is the face of Gardenview and the one who keeps everything running smoothly!


Developer-Only Toon




Male (He/Him)

3 Hearts Released: 06/14/2024 (Alpha Release)

Skill Check

Chance: 25%

Size: 250

Value: 3.0

Movement Speed

Walk Speed: 20

Sprint Speed: 30


Value: 200


Value: 20.0


Dandy's World


The star of the show.



Dandy is the face of Gardenview and the one who keeps everything running smoothly! He's always excited to welcome new Toons to his world and help them on their adventures!


Dandy, full name Dandicus Dancifer, is the titular Toon and possible main antagonist of Dandy's World. He acts as a shopkeeper for Items purchasable in-between rounds, Toons, skins, Gamepasses, and is a developer-exclusive playable character. He is also playable in Roleplay Mode as both a Toon, and a Twisted.


Dandy is a flower-like fictional species. His most defining features are his petals, having six that are individually red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, in a clockwise order, with red being at the very top of his head. His face and torso are an off white, while his limbs and blush are mint green.


On the surface, Dandy seems to be a kind, responsible and bright Toon, but also suspicious and harboring darker secrets. Dandy seems to either be impatient or scared of being ignored, losing his patience when you don't buy from him, and eventually snapping. Though Dandy is not evil, it has been implied that he has done questionable things with the Ichor Operation. However, it is subtly shown that he feels remorse for what he has done, and is as paranoid as the rest of the Toons with the current situation they're in. Dandy stays silent and says nothing other than "..." when you buy Astro, which implies he may feel remorse for his Twisted counterpart reveal. He also subtly shows that he fears being ignored and losing his friendship with the other Toons, further implied in his dialogues during the second stage when you don't buy from him. Yet, he tries to cover most of it up by acting like nothing happened after encountering his Twisted counterpart, trying to keep up his cheerful act. Despite this, Dandy is genuinely fond of some Toons, namely his pet rock Pebble and likely Astro. Overall, Dandy is a morally gray Toon that is hiding lots of secrets, but tries to hide it behind a more prideful and cheerful facade.


As a developer-exclusive character, Dandy is intentionally overpowered with maximum stats in all categories, making him exceptionally versatile and effective in any situation. His perfect skill check stats, movement speed, stamina, stealth, and extraction speed make him the ultimate all-rounder.

If you somehow have access to play as Dandy, you'll find that his maximum movement speed and stamina allow for unparalleled mobility around the map. His perfect stealth rating means Twisteds will have a much harder time detecting him, and his extraction speed ensures quick completion of objectives.

Dandy's passive ability "Dandy's World" is intentionally vague but implies that as the star of the show and the titular character, he has some form of control or advantage in the game world itself. This could manifest as increased awareness of Twisted locations or other environmental advantages.

While Dandy is not intended for regular gameplay, his stats and abilities showcase what a "perfect" Toon might look like, serving as a benchmark for the capabilities of other playable characters.


Unlock Requirements

  • Only playable to developers.

Mastery Requirements

  • Use this Toon's Active Ability 100 times!
  • Finish 100 Machines!
  • Pick up 100 Items!
  • Survive 100 Floors!
  • Travel 100000 Meters!
  • Use 100 Items!
Mastery Reward:

Vintage Dandy skin


Finishing extraction

  • "Just as planned!"
  • "Just as I intended!"
  • "Perfect!"

Descending to the next floor

  • "Hello, World!"
  • "Another day, another fun adventure!"
  • "What fun things will we get into today?"
  • "Oh boy! I can't wait!"
  • "My botanical escapades continue!"

Activating Dandy's World Ability

  • "Welcome to my world!"
  • "The show must go on!"
  • "Isn't this fun?"
  • "Let's play a game!"

Interaction with Astro

Hey Dandy, remember when we used to stargaze together?

Of course! Those were simpler times, weren't they?

Yeah... I miss those days sometimes.

We could always... you know, do it again sometime?

Maybe. If we both find the time.

Interaction with Pebble


You're right, Pebble! We should plan something fun!


No, I don't think the others would like that idea.


You always know how to make me smile, little buddy.

Interaction with Vee

Dandy! We need to talk about-

Oh look at the time! I have to go check on... something!

You ALWAYS do this! You can't keep avoiding these conversations!

I'm not avoiding anything! I'm just very busy being the star of the show!

Interaction with Sprout

Dandy, I made some fresh pastries if you'd like to try some!

Thanks, but I'm watching my figure. Being the face of Gardenview is hard work!

Oh... well, they'll be here if you change your mind.

I appreciate the thought, Sprout. Really.

  • Dandy's full name is Dandicus Dancifer, according to one of the loading screens, an interaction between Teagan and Pebble, and an in-game ad for Dandy's Petals.
  • Dandy's designation is L-001 with the L standing most likely for Lethal.
  • It is implied that Astro and Dandy were childhood friends, and possibly still are friends, but slowly distanced from each other after a while.
  • Dandy exists as a developer-exclusive character internally for testing.
  • Dandy is confirmed to never be a public playable character in the future.
  • Dandy was the first character to get an UGC, it being Dandy's Petals.
  • Dandy's hands will start to twitch as he grows frustrated with the player.
  • Dandy is often depicted and joked about as being short, as seen in doodles by Qwelver and the fact he stands/sits on boxes in his shop to be seen.
  • Dandy, as mentioned by Qwelver, is not actually a dandelion, contrary to popular belief. The name 'Dandy' is actually a reference to the word dandy, meaning 'an excellent thing of its kind.'
  • According to Qwel, Dandy would be a 'little theft of baked goods' when it comes to Cosmo and Sprout's work.
  • Dandy has a taste for classical music, his favourite potentially being 'Clair de Lune', as said by Qwel during the 2025 New Years stream.
Dandy Gallery Image
Dandy Gallery Image
Dandy Gallery Image
Dandy Gallery Image