

Boxten is a somewhat shy Toon. He is most comfortable around those he knows. He may not always know what to say, but he always tries to put a smile on a friends face.


Regular Toon




Male (He/Him)

3 Hearts Released: 06/14/2024 (Alpha Release)

Skill Check

Chance: 25%

Size: 150

Value: 2.0

Movement Speed

Walk Speed: 15

Sprint Speed: 25


Value: 150


Value: 10.0




This Toon gains 6% more Extraction Speed for every alive Toon in the round. Maxes at 48%.



Boxten is a somewhat shy Toon. He is most comfortable around those he knows. He may not always know what to say, but he always tries to put a smile on a friends face.


Boxten the Music Box, also known as Boxten, is one of the 27 playable Toons in Dandy's World, added on June 14th, 2024, either obtainable for free as the player's starting Toon, or purchasable in Dandy's Store for 250 Ichor if Poppy is chosen instead.


Boxten is a purple music box with a dark purple lid. Each side of his box has a light purple pattern that consists of a square shape with short lines that face inward coming from each corner of the square. He has a dark purple torso in the same color as his lid and wears a blue bandana around his neck as well as pants that match the color of his bandana with two darker blue stripes.


Boxten is a shy and introverted Toon. He is somewhat pessimistic and worries more than he should, as shown in one of his interactions with Poppy and some of his dialogue. He also wants to learn things, tries to be careful, and is afraid of messing things up, based on his interaction with Cosmo. He seems to be a slight perfectionist, as proven by his cautious approach to tasks.


Boxten's strength lies in extraction. His Extraction Speed ranges from 1.06 to 1.48; this makes it above average at its lowest and only 0.02 away from 5 Extraction at its highest. This makes him a good choice to earn Ichor through Machines when starting out. However, since he is heavily dependent on teammates for maximum Extraction Speed, if you prefer playing with a small team (1-4 players), other Toons will be better suited to this. His Ability allows access to near-5 Star extraction early, but since these stats are obtainable without negating the ability slot (which is a source of bonus Ichor), it's similar to playing without any ability at all. Worse than that is the fact that his ability relies on factors out of your control, which puts Boxten solidly in the "there are better options" category.

His average stat spread means that while he has no true deficits, he also doesn't have the most potent strengths. Supplementing your personal weaknesses with Trinkets is best while using him.

It's recommended to use Boxten in games with a lot of reliable Toons to get the most value out of his ability. However, he is not the greatest for solo runs.


Unlock Requirements

  • Obtain for free when first starting the game
  • 250 Ichor (if Poppy was chosen instead)

Mastery Requirements

  • Finish 50 Machines!
  • Survive 25 Floors!
  • Travel 50000 Meters!
  • Pick up 30 Items!
  • Survive 1 Floors with 7 other Players in your round!
  • Use 30 Items!
Mastery Reward:

Vintage Boxten skin


Finishing extraction

  • "I'm happy nothing exploded, heh.."
  • "I-I could've used a little help on that one..."
  • "That was great... I suppose?"
  • "Uh... any other machines I need to finish?"

Descending to the next floor

  • "I think I heard something..."
  • "I'm scared to think of what's in the next Floor..."
  • "I think I forgot something last Floor..."

Interaction with Astro

Boxten, how have those dreams been treating you...?

You mean the nightmares?

No... I believe I remember giving you only good dreams.

I-I don't know Astro, maybe what you think of as a 'good dream' isn't one to me.

...I'll keep that in mind, thank you.

Interaction with Brightney

Brightney, you seem pretty focused, something on your mind?

There's always something on my mind Boxten!


Yup! Always have to be three steps ahead of those Twisteds!

Interaction with Cosmo

Boxten, your key on the back of your head spins whenever you do a machine.

Huh really? It tends to spin when I focus on something..

Is that why it spins when I teach you recipes?

Well I get nervous with the oven! Rather be focused…

I think you do great, try not to stress about it..!

Interaction with Ginger

Your turning key on the back of your head... it's sort of--



It moves on its own really...! Spins when I'm really thinking on things.

That's kind of neat in a way...!

Heh, yeah guess it is!

Interaction with Glisten

Hm… Boxy, is my makeup smudged?!

Huh? O-oh uh… no?

That's right, it's always perfect.

Then why'd you ask me to check?

Oh, I just wanted you to look!

Interaction with Goob

Boxten... Have you ever noticed that both our heads are squares?

Huh? W-what..?

Yeah! mine doesn't have music in it like yours though.

Right, well unless you imagine the music!

Oh yeah! I'm going to think about music right now!

Interaction with Looey

I like your square head!


I like that your head is a square!

I mean, thanks?

No problem!

Interaction with Pebble

Arf Arf!!

Uhm... that's a good rock?


Interaction with Poppy

Hi Boxten!

H-hi Poppy...


Poppy are you okay...

Haha, I'm okay enough!

Interaction with Razzle & Dazzle

The two of you have been helping finish the machines on each floor, right?

Uh- Hehe, sorta! (I do the extracting much faster than him.)

Well as long as you're both trying your best.

Of course! Always trying my best! (I wish my best was enough...)

Erm... You're doing great Dazzle.

Interaction with Rodger

Boxten, keeping your mind steady and clear?

Uhm.. N-not really?

Well, try counting if you find yourself worried or stressed!

Interaction with Shrimpo

Please don't look my way, please don't look my way...




I am not even a music artist Shrimpo... I'm just a music box.

Interaction with Teagan

Stressed Boxten...?

Oh! Only a little...

Maybe a herbal tea would soothe you after we finish here.

That would be nice... Thank you Teagan.

Interaction with Tisha

Tisha! Good to know you're here...!

Of course! I'll be sure to keep this elevator real clean!

Huh... how clean?

Shining, sparkling, so clean you'll need a wet floor sign!


Interaction with Vee

I can't believe I'm in the same elevator as THE Vee...

You're a fan of the gameshow Boxten?

Who isn't? You've got such fun questions, I love trivia!

Haha, who doesn't!?

Was that one of your trivia questions??


  • At the end of the Meet Boxten Teaser Video, you can hear morse code that translates to 'FIND THE TAPES.'
  • Boxten has two UGC Items, those being Boxten's Key and Boxten's Head.
  • Boxten is designation C-002, with the C most likely standing for Common.
  • Boxten's name could originate from a combination of the name 'Boston' and 'Box', though it could be a play on the phrase 'Boxed In' as well.
  • Boxten loves trivia, according to his interaction with Vee.
  • Boxten worries a lot. This is pointed out by Poppy in one of their interactions and his interaction with Rodger.
  • Though Poppy and Boxten seem to be good friends, Qwel has said that they have no confirmed relations.
  • Boxten might not be very good with grammar, as seen on the note in Boxten's room in Roleplay Mode.
  • The key on the back of Boxten's head turns when he's focused, as shown in his animation when extracting and in his interaction with Cosmo.
  • According to Cosmo's interaction, Boxten has a bit of knowledge with baking.
Boxten Gallery Image
Boxten Gallery Image
Boxten Gallery Image
Boxten Gallery Image