Brightney is one clever lamp, always coming up with bright ideas!
Regular Toon
Female (She/Her)
Skill Check
Chance: 25%
Size: 150
Value: 2.0
Movement Speed
Walk Speed: 15
Sprint Speed: 25
Value: 175
Value: 0.0
Night Light
ActiveThis Toon can shine lights on Twisteds to make them visible during Blackouts for 8 seconds. Has a Cooldown of 45.
Brightney is one clever lamp, always coming up with bright ideas! She teaches children on how to think up solutions to their everyday problems!
Brightney the Lamp, also known as Brightney, is one of the 27 playable Toons in Dandy's World, added on June 14th, 2024. She is available to be bought in Dandy's Store.
Brightney is a lamp with a magenta scalloped bell lampshade with a white trim on top. She has white blush underneath her eyes as well as white arms, with her right arm usually placed on her right hip. She has a slightly snatched waist, and her torso and bottom & tips of her feet are a magenta that is slightly darker than the magenta on her lampshade. She also wears magenta tights, and underneath her lampshade is a white light bulb suspended by white poles and a long, white neck. During Blackouts, she gives off a white glow, which is notably brighter and larger than the other Toons.
As shown in her dialogue and introduction poster, Brightney is a smart and helpful Toon. Like her active Ability suggests, she is skilled at solving problems, as well as helping Toons out. However, it's likely that she may be overworked at times. Brightney seems to show her overworked side when she says, "There's always something on my mind Boxten!", and "Always have to be three steps ahead of those Twisteds!" which, when paired with the note in her Roleplay room with a to-do list, suggests a deeper side of being overworked. Despite this, she's always ready to help with whatever her fellow Toons ask of her, showing her personality as a hardworking, yet friendly toon.
Brightney is a good All-Rounder Toon who is best utilized by those familiar with the game. It's recommended to use her if you feel confident in your skills, as her biggest drawback, while potent, can be turned into a strength if used well. Her low stealth can also be used to save Toons who have low stamina or low movement speed. For example: Gigi has one star stamina.
Brightney works best during Blackouts. Her active ability, Night Light, is an incredibly useful Blackout-exclusive tool. It counters the primary threat of Blackouts, information loss, and helps teammates stay alive in the dangerous environment. Brightney's light during Blackouts is also notably brighter and larger than all other Toons, granting her high visibility and giving teammates a great source of light. Brightney is ultimately the best Toon for countering Blackouts (though Vee comes close), and can be crucial in helping the team.
Brightney's Blackout-countering ability, high extraction, and above-average mobility makes her one of, if not the best Toon for solo runs, as her low stealth becomes nearly (but not completely) a non-factor with the absence of other players dragging Twisteds to your location. It is recommended to use run speed Trinkets to bolster survivability as her Extraction is already good. On later Floors, knowing which Twisteds are present and their locations is crucial for knowing how to tackle the Floor, so she might even have you wishing every Floor is a Blackout!
Unlock Requirements
- 1250 Ichor
- Experience 5 Blackouts
Mastery Requirements
- Use this Toon's Active Ability 50 times!
- Finish 50 Machines!
- Travel 80000 Meters!
- Experience 15 Blackouts!
- Pick up 60 Items!
- Use 60 Items!
Vintage Brightney skin
Finishing extraction
- "Another problem solved!"
- "Brilliant!"
- "What's next on my To-Do list?"
Descending to the next floor
- "I can't wait to get to reading after this!"
- "I'm gonna be late for Book Club!"
- "Is my lightbulb flickering?"
Activating Night Light Ability
- "Let's light it up!"
- "Need a light?"
- "Sparkle on!"
- "Time to turn on the lights!"
Interaction with Astro
Brightney, your glow is as bright as ever.
And yours is just a feeew lumens less than mine!
Lumens, the measurement of light!
Haha, I may have been reading up on those books you suggested.
That's nice to hear... Maybe I can suggest more soon.
Interaction with Boxten
Brightney, you seem pretty focused, something on your mind?
There's always something on my mind Boxten!
Yup! Always have to be three steps ahead of those Twisteds!
- Brightney's name is most likely a mixture of the common girl name, "Britney" and the word, "bright".
- Brightney's low Stealth stat most likely references to how her bright light gives her away to Twisteds, similarly to her Twisted Counterparts light.
- Brightney has stated she is in a book club, the other Toons in this Book Club are Astro and Dazzle.
- Brightney is the president of said book club, as proven by her interaction with Tisha.
- Brightney uses an incandescent light bulb, as shown in an interaction with Flutter.
Regular Toons

Main Characters
Special Toons